1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18
1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18

1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18

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1967 Volkswagen Deluxe Bus 1:18

SKU AJ021 Dimension L: 12.5 W: 4.75 H: 7.5 Inches

• 100% iron frame
• Metal wheels
• Wheels roll
• Decaled insignia
• Includes seats, steering wheel, and small details on dash
• Exterior details such as the surfboards are securely welded on

In late 1967, the second generation of the Volkswagen Type 2 (T2) was introduced. It was built in Germany until 1979. This second-generation Type 2 lost its distinctive split front windshield, and was slightly larger and considerably heavier than its predecessor. Its common nicknames are Breadloaf and Bay-window, or Loaf and Bay for short. At 1.6 L and 35 kW (48 PS; 47 bhp) DIN, the engine was also slightly larger. The new model also did away with the swing axle rear suspension and transfer boxes previously used to raise ride height. Instead, half-shaft axles fitted with constant velocity joints raised ride height without the wild changes in camber of the Beetle-based swing axle suspension. The updated Bus transaxle is usually sought after by off-road racers using air-cooled Volkswagen components. The T2b was introduced by way of gradual change over three years. The first models featured rounded bumpers incorporating a step for use when the door was open (replaced by indented bumpers without steps on later models), front doors that opened to 90° from the body, no lip on the front guards, unique engine hatches, and crescent air intakes in the D-pillars (later models after the Type 4 engine option was offered, have squared off intakes).




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