Ah-64 Apache 1:39
Ah-64 Apache 1:39
Ah-64 Apache 1:39
Ah-64 Apache 1:39
Ah-64 Apache 1:39
Ah-64 Apache 1:39
Ah-64 Apache 1:39
Ah-64 Apache 1:39
Ah-64 Apache 1:39
Ah-64 Apache 1:39

Ah-64 Apache 1:39

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Ah-64 Apache 1:39

SKU AJ008 Dimension L: 18 W: 17 H: 9 Inches

• 100% iron frame
• Metal wheels
• Metal propellers
• Wheels roll
• Propellers spin detaches for assemble
• Painted and decaled insignia
• Landing gear, rockets, and missiles are securely welded on
• Includes two seats, cyclic stick, and small details on the dash

The Boeing AH-64 Apache is a four-blade, twin-engine attack helicopter with a tailwheel-type landing gear arrangement, and a tandem cockpit for a two-man crew. It features a nose-mounted sensor suite for target acquisition and night vision systems. It is armed with a 30 mm (1.18 in) M230 Chain Gun carried between the main landing gear, under the aircrafts forward fuselage. It has four hardpoints mounted on stub-wing pylons, typically carrying a mixture of AGM-114 Hellfire missiles and Hydra 70 rocket pods. The AH-64 has a large amount of systems redundancy to improve combat survivability. The Apache originally started as the Model 77 developed by Hughes Helicopters for the United States Armys Advanced Attack Helicopter program to replace the AH-1 Cobra. The prototype YAH-64 was first flown on 30 September 1975. The U.S. Army selected the YAH-64 over the Bell YAH-63 in 1976, and later approved full production in 1982. After purchasing Hughes Helicopters in 1984, McDonnell Douglas continued AH-64 production and development. The helicopter was introduced to U.S. Army service in April 1986. The first production AH-64D Apache Longbow, an upgraded Apache variant, was delivered to the Army in March 1997. Production has been continued by Boeing Defense, Space & Security; over 1,000 AH-64s have been produced to date. The U.S. Army is the primary operator of the AH-64; it has also become the primary attack helicopter of multiple nations, including Greece, Japan, Israel, the Netherlands and Singapore; as well as being produced under license in the United Kingdom as the Agusta Westland Apache. U.S. AH-64s have served in conflicts in Panama, the Persian Gulf,Kosovo, Afghanistan, and Iraq. Israel used the Apache in its military conflicts in Lebanon and the Gaza Strip; British, Dutch and U.S. Apaches have seen deployments in Afghanistan and Iraq.




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