Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24
Model Of Union Pacific 1:24

Model Of Union Pacific 1:24

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Model Of Union Pacific 1:24

SKU AJ010 Dimension :L: 21 W: 3.75 H: 6.5 Inches

• 100% iron frame
• Metal wheels
• Wheels roll
• Decaled insignia
• Detachable caboose that hooks on
• Exterior details such as tapered smokestack are securely welded on

The No. 119 was a 4-4-0 steam locomotive which made history as one of the two locomotives (the other being the Jupiter) to meet at Promontory Summit during the Spike ceremony commemorating the completion of the First Transcontinental Railroad. No. 119 was built by Rogers Locomotive and Machine Works of Paterson, New Jersey in 1868 along with numbers 116, 117, 118 and 120. This engine was scrapped in 1903, and a replica was built in 1979, 76 years after the scrapping. No. 119 was stationed in Ogden, Utah, when a call came from Thomas C. Durant, traveling to Promontory, who needed an engine. Similar to Leland Stanford and the Jupiter, previous misfortunes allowed No. 119 to take her place in history. Durant, the vice president of the Union Pacific Railroad was traveling on the so-called Durant Special for the ceremony at Promontory. A swollen river had washed away some supports to the Devils Gate Bridge. Durants engineer refused to take the current engine across but did consent to nudge the lighter passenger cars across the bridge. The bridge held, the cars made it across but Durant and his entourages were left without an engine. Durants plight was answered when No. 119 was sent from Ogden to take the Durant Special the short distance to Promontory where it came nose to nose with the Central Pacifics Jupiter. In Andrew J. Russells famous photograph of the Meeting of the Lines, No. 119 is seen on the right with its engineer, Sam Bradford, leaning off the pilot holding a bottle of champagne up to Jupiter engineer George Booth. Bradford and Booth would later break a bottle of champagne over the others locomotive in celebration.



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