1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph
1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph
1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph
1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph
1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph
1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph
1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph
1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph
1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph

1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph

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 1901 Edison Standard Model A New Style Phonograph

SKU AJ114  Dimension: L: 10 W: 15 H: 17 Inches

The phonograph was invented in 1877 by Thomas Edison (1847-1931) and was the first machine to be able to reproduce the recorded sound. Edison has been described as America's greatest inventor. This is a non-functional replica phonograph of the 1901 Edison Standard Model A machinery. This "New Style" case was introduced around 1901 and looks very different from the square suitcase Standard that was its predecessor. Our phonograph display model is realistically handmade out of tin. It features many intricate details such as case, removable horn, cylinder, sound box, belt, windup key, stop lever, and much more. Proudly display this model anywhere you like and it will surely make a conversational piece. A must-have for the collector and enthusiast!

The phonograph was invented in 1877 by Thomas Edison. While other inventors had produced devices that could record sounds, Edison's phonograph was the first to be able to reproduce the recorded sound. His phonograph originally recorded sound onto a tinfoil sheet wrapped around a rotating cylinder. A stylus responding to sound vibrations produced an up and down or hill-and-dale groove in the foil. The disc phonograph record was the dominant audio recording format throughout most of the 20th century. In the 1980s, phonograph use on a standard record player declined sharply due to the rise of the cassette tape, compact disc, and other digital recording formats. However, records are still a favorite format for some audiophiles, DJs and turntablists (particularly in hip hop and electronic dance music), and have undergone a revival in the 2010s. The original recordings of musicians, which may have been recorded on tape or digital methods, are sometimes re-issued on viny




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